Steam downloading mods from steam workshop without steam
Steam downloading mods from steam workshop without steam

steam downloading mods from steam workshop without steam

I just tested on my home network and was able to reproduce it the issue using your settings” “Thanks for the additional information Jason. The modding community is quickly growing and I would love to take part in it, but this issue makes it much harder to do so. UWE, this is something that is affecting a good number of your playerbase and I would hope you would at least look into it and get back to us. At this point we are aware that there are workarounds but that is not the answer. The aim of this thread is to be constructive. How long have people had this issue? (I have been having it since steam workshop integration, I am pretty sure) Is it Steam Workshop's fault, or something wrong with NS2? Who all is having this issue? Is it universal, or just a select bunch? So, I have a few questions to ask that will hopefully get us closer to finding the issue. If the issue persists, please complete this guide."

steam downloading mods from steam workshop without steam

Please wait a few minutes and then try launching the game once more. Steam support describes error 16 as: "Incomplete Installation (16)

steam downloading mods from steam workshop without steam

I have a screenshot of an example of the errors and popup in this screenshot: In the console we see all of the errors for the individual mods, ending with an error code 16. The console starts all the downloads, but usually does not finish any and boots you back to the main menu with the error on screen reading, "Missing Required Mod". Currently many of us are experiencing issues with this feature, and when attempting to connect to a modded server, something goes wrong while downloading mods. Correct, this fixes the immediate issue of not being able to join the server, but a workaround like this is not a replacement for a broken feature.Īs I understand, and have experienced on rare occasions, Steam Workshop simplifies the process of modding in multiplayer by automatically downloading the required mods making the experience seamless. I am sick and tired of hearing the same response to this issue: "Open the console then download the mods manually and rejoin the server". For anyone who hasn't experienced it, it is an error caused when joining a modded server where steam workshop is unable to download the mods and so you are kicked back to the menu screen and unable to join the server. This is not the first time I have posted regarding this issue, but I know I am not the only one with this issue.

Steam downloading mods from steam workshop without steam